Why These 3 Habits Can Either Drain or Enhance Your Energy
Do you ever find yourself drained of energy when there is no physical reason for it?
Whether we’re aware of it or not, every choice we make can either give energy or drain it away. Each day, we are in a continuous stream of giving and receiving energy using our thoughts, emotions, and habits.
And this isn’t just physical energy, either. What you think and where you direct your attention will create energetic patterns in the body that can be invigorating or damaging. Our habits, thoughts, and actions therefore matter a great deal when it comes to enhancing or depleting our energy.
Why Does Energy Awareness Matter?
Why does energy awareness matter? So what if you are focusing on things that drain you? After all, you can catch up with a good night’s rest, right?
The problem with energy loss is that it not only causes tiredness, but it also has long-term effects on your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Where you send your energy has significant consequences for your levels of positivity, which can create a domino effect inside the mind and body.
Because we are often not accustomed to monitoring our energy or regulating our thoughts and emotions, we end up vulnerable to the external world. And, as research has shown, negative thoughts, interactions, habits, and so on, can greatly affect your health as well as diminish your inner power and confidence.
For example, say you spend the day focusing on everything that went wrong. You mull over each interaction and situation that annoyed you. You’re thinking about what someone said, what they might be thinking and how much it bothers you. To top it off, you’ve said yes to too many things at work and have a mountain of work piling up.
This build-up of negativity can gradually drain you of vital life force energy. It also puts you in a position of powerlessness because you feel victimized by what’s happening around you.
As Joe Dispenza so aptly states,
“To live as the victim is to live within the limited belief system that everything in our outer world is happening to us. If your energy is invested in this reality, you freely give away your power to someone or something outside of you, allowing that external condition to control how you think & feel.
Simply put, when things are good, you feel good. When things are bad, you feel bad. That’s the polarized world of victim consciousness in a nutshell”.
1. Not Drawing Personal Boundaries
One of the biggest ways of draining vital energy is by not drawing personal boundaries, whether it’s at work, at home, or in your relationships. If you say yes to too many things or take on too much at once, it’s a clear sign you’re not drawing strong boundaries. Also, if you do too many things out of obligation, or if you allow others to lay their problems on you, this too, is a sign of weak personal boundaries.
Boundaries are important because they create walls around you like an invisible shield. They allow you to take care of yourself while containing your physical, mental, and emotional energy. They also help you feel more in command of your life. If your personal boundaries aren’t strongly intact in all areas, you run the risk of feeling at the mercy of others.
The best way to start drawing stronger boundaries with people is to follow your intuition. Listen to what your gut tells you about a situation and whether to say yes or no. Also, give yourself time and take care of you. By putting yourself first, you retain your own power and energy inside before giving it over to others.
2. Giving Too Much Attention to External Events
When done to excess, another big way to drain your energy is to focus on external events like the news and allow it to emotionally affect you. With so much happening lately around the pandemic, elections, and so on, this can be difficult to avoid, but it’s worth considering how much these events trigger you emotionally.
For example, do certain events stay with you throughout the day? Do you easily get upset? Annoyed? Scared? While it’s natural to feel this way, too much of it can be damaging to your physical and mental health. Paying attention to negativity or things you dislike does nothing to serve your spirit.
By taking charge and deciding how you want to feel inside, rather than being dictated by world events, you gain back vital energy. One way to do this is to limit your exposure to the news and actively seek out positive things to read, look at, and think about.
The more you consciously foster happiness and contentment from within, the stronger and more vital you’ll feel. The news, for the most part, is full of all that’s going wrong in the world. Why not focus on what’s going right and ride that wave instead?
2. Focusing on Other People
This can be a difficult habit to break since we’re so accustomed to monitoring the behavior of others and either reacting or making judgments. But worrying about what people are doing or thinking does nothing for you. Whether it’s a colleague at work, a family member, or a friend, focusing on what they’re doing or thinking is a good way to drain your own energy.
The reason is that the more you focus your energy outward, the less you draw power from within. By worrying about someone else’s thoughts, you give your power over to them. By focusing on what they’re doing and how it annoys you, you also hand power over to them to affect your moods.
So, take stock of how often other people are on your mind and to what degree you’re letting them affect you. Draw the attention back to yourself and on your own needs instead. When you are more in command of your own emotions and reactions, the less other people will affect you.
Final Thoughts
The energy inside each of us is immense and limitless if we know how to tap into it and protect it. But that energy can greatly diminish if you hand it over to external events and people. Energy loss happens when you are overwhelmed with negative emotions and you allow events outside of yourself to direct your responses.
By going inward and focusing more on yourself and taking care of your own needs, you will rely less on the outside world to make you feel safe and happy. The more you put yourself in the driver seat of your own emotions, the more vital and energetic you’ll be.
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